Doctor and activist

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Tag: Governance

Using the COVID19 Crisis for Bad 29/5/20

Some years ago, my attention was drawn to a 2007 book, ‘The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism’ by the Canadian author and social activist Naomi Klein. The idea was that if a coastal community was blown away, say by a Tsunami with a loss of owners, records etc, some coastal land could be […]

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Regulating fighting

20 June 2016 The Queensland Parliamentary Finance and Administration Committee has reported on the need for regulation of contact sports  in Queensland.  It resolved to do nothing!  Currently only Qld and Northern Territory are ‘self regulating’.  There were 8 submissions, 3 from medical associations, (AMA College of Surgeons, and Qld Brain Institute), 4 were from […]

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